Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger--Career and life were as bright and short as a Roman Candle

Heath Ledger was cool. That's something that no acting school can teach you. I'm not saying he was Steve McQueen cool, nobody is Steve McQueen cool, but Heath was cool in almost every role I saw him in. Your eyes followed him and you wanted to hang out with that guy. He was also convincingly tough. Another trait that can't be taught. In "10 Things I Hate About You", a highly underrated teen film, he played cool and tough in a stylish way that made you take notice. The only young American actor I can equate him to is Josh Hartnett.

But he was also a damn fine actor. Able to ditch the Australian accent convincingly for big American roles. As Mel Gibson's son in The Patriot, Billy Bob Thornton's son in Monster Ball and his biggest role, as Ennis in Brokeback Mountain.

I get ribbing for this by friends, but my buddy Bob Donoho and I both agree that A Knight's Tale is a great movie. Ledger's performance as a kind of surfer dude Sir Lancelot is one of a kind, as is the movie. The mixture of modern rock and ancient customs gave me chills and laughs the first few times I saw it. Ledger anchors the whole thing by never winking at the screen. Yes it was comedic, but not meant to be a broad comedy. He understood that and never overplayed it. It was a big role for such a young actor and he brought it home with a fine touch.

The trailer I saw several times in theatres for the new Batman, called The Dark Knight, drew the biggest crowd response for one character, Ledger's maniacal Joker. I hope it is a crowning glory on a much too short career/life.

The Freditor


Anonymous said...

I thought he was a brillant actor, hell I enjoyed him in the patriot, and while it was a freshman appearance he did a great job. Brokeback Mountain was superlative, the shame of it is that people have not watched it because they are homo phobic. Truth be told the movie was a touching love story that took moxie to put out early in your career. Its a must see.

Anonymous said...

Admit it Fred, you never saw Brokeback Mountain. Heath Ledger's performance made that movie watchable, even if man-on-man action isn't your thing.

Going to be interesting to see Batman when it comes out -- will you be thinking, "Aw, man, that poor guy is dead" every time the Joker comes on the screen?
